Friday, December 23, 2011

James Madison Book Overview

The well-known historian and author Richard Brookhiser shared some key points from his brilliant biography on one of the most influential and humble statesmen in US history: James Madison.   Madison’s two children, the Constitution and US politics, greatly impacted American government to this day. 
He was part of every phase of the Constitution’s development from the first 1787 Constitutional convention to its complete ratification.  He battled against Patrick Henry, the greatest orator of the time, for Virginia’s ratification and won.  In New York, one of the key states, he and his allies John Jay and Alexander Hamilton penned the now famous Federalist Papers, making stunning arguments for ratification.  The Bill of Rights, though not seriously considered important at first, was credited to the collaborative efforts of Madison. 
Madison postulated three unique aspects regarding the Republican system.  First, big countries were a better atmosphere for republicanism than smaller ones.  Madison used historical comparisons to smaller republics failing to uphold their systems, discrediting past claims that republics would only work in small, city-state sized societies.  Second, hostile factions would have great difficulty toppling big countries with a republican system.  The mere size and diverse culture of the United States would act as a protective barrier from hostile takeover.  Third, complex systems were better than simple ones.  The best example can be found in the three branches of government: executive, legislative, and judicial.  Each branch has its own powers, reflecting human nature as the ambition of one branch curbs the ambition of the others.
            The nature of politics still in use today began with Madison’s formation of the Republican Party (now the Democratic Party).  In 1791, Madison and Jefferson gathered allies which would compete against the ruling Federalist party.  He developed the National Gazette which was the first biased newspaper.  Madison was the first to consider public opinion as a force of change throughout a politician’s term. 
            Madison had his downsides as well.  Critics would consider him too political, sometimes filling his staff with party favors rather than men with skill.  This led to losses during the War of 1812.  Even in the face of defeat, Madison stayed calm, stood with his troops in battle, cleared his staff of imbeciles, and stayed the course to attain American victory. 
As Richard Brookhiser stated, we are all lucky to have Madison and his lasting contributions to the United States.  He was an able politician, a skillful writer, and an intelligent philosopher.  History looks at him favorable as one of the most famous and influential founder fathers.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


~ Another free style work

Feelings are like balloons
For sometimes we give them away
Hoping the air will carry them
To someone that we desire
And sometimes they just pop
Leaving just shattered remains
And even if we just hold on to them
They eventually shrivel up and die
Yet we try to keep them alive
Denying that there’s anything wrong inside

In the end balloons and feelings come and go
The only constant is the heart
For love is more than feelings
It is kindness, commitment and sacrifice. 
So enjoy what balloons may come
But don’t forget the one who made them


~ This work reflects on the fact that sometimes people may be in pain without us even knowing it yet sometimes just being there for them can alleviate that pain.  I tried something new here as it doesn't really have a rhyming pattern but has more of a free style approach to it.

I can see you standing there
For I see a tear falling from you face
Your eyes fill with sorrow tonight
Yet you still put on a smile
Even though you’re torn apart inside
I wish I could be the one
To make all your fears come undone
Strip away your sorrow
Fill you with the joy you seek
But that’s only wishful thinking
For brokenness cannot heal brokenness
Until I become whole myself
All I can be is a shade to you
A shadow that can only watch over you
Feeling your pain
Hoping that you can see
That you aren’t the only one
Who is left in the dark
That hurts inside
That wants to feel more
Who has to fake with a smile
Desiring to be who you really are
To find someone who completes you
That wants to see you for everything you are inside
I am your witness
I am your ally
Always by your side
Forever your friend
I will be with you to the end

Monday, November 21, 2011

Soviet Union- Impressions

The USSR was the counter part to the United States for over half a century during the Cold War representing the conflict between democracy and communism.  This “war” ended with the collapse of the USSR without any gun or missile having to be shot.  How did this happen? Experts have taken a look as to how this outcome was achieved. 
It is important to realize that historians have a difficult time in tracing the exact causation of any given event in history.  Richard Pipes gives a perfect example of this with the analogy of why an apple falls from a tree.  There are numerous possibilities as to why something happened, thus one can only analyze all possible causes and calculate what sort of impact they have on an event. 
Communism in Russia was a failed experiment and created a society filled with self centered people.  Each person had to be selfish, or they would die from starvation in poverty.  Government’s policy inhibited the economy, making the markets inefficient, ineffective, and incompatible with the needs of the people.  Family was the only visible unit of society.  Only by applying Western ideology of democracy and free markets could the Soviet Union transcend its own government structure.
The Soviet Union fell apart from within due to an erroneous flaw in philosophy.  Communism was based on the assumption that humans are inherently good.  It is this goodness that would allow all resources to be shared equally, but this idea falls apart when one realizes that all it takes is just one person with evil intent to break down the system.  Inside of equality, the elite had all the power and the working class suffered oppression.  Toward the late 1980s, the Soviet Union and its satellite states desired freedom and liberty, thus the Soviet Union crumbled under its own ideology, giving way to more free political governments.
However, the fight against totalitarian regimes is far from over.  Russia faces oppression due its present power seeking regime.  The people’s rights are averted by holding farce elections only giving the illusion of freedom. In addition, many of the countries that were under the Soviet bloc are still vastly influenced by Russia.  It is important that this current generation remember what it is like to not have liberty in every aspect of life. 
Communism, Fascism, or any other oppressive form of government can be held off through education and a free market system.  Every one everywhere has natural rights that give liberty from becoming a slave to anyone and an opportunity to accomplish anything through their own efforts, which in turn improves society as a whole.  Individual pursuit is what drives civilization to its greatest potential. 

Thursday, November 17, 2011


~ another one of my poetic works (not a reflection of myself)


Chaos descend
Nightmare with no end
Torn into pieces
Pain never ceases
Flesh burns away
All hope betrays
Save me if you can
From the hate of a bitter man

Destined to die
No one to rely
Fallen from grace
Despised by every race
Kill me now
I don’t care how
For this soul is dead
No tears will be shed

Throw me down
In misery I drown
Shatter my heart
Until it can’t start
My blood no longer flows
Shadows enclose
Save me if you can
From the hate of a bitter man

My body lies dried
Agony on my side
A twisted fate
Consumed with hate
Bred in isolation
Forever facing damnation
Embracing torment
Falling to hell’s descent

Wish I could belong
And have a different song
But an outcast’s lot
Is my only plot
Cursed with loneliness
Never attaining bliss
Save me if you can
From the hate of a bitter man